Renew Your Relationship with Yourself and Ditch those Limiting Beliefs with ”Dr. V”

Do you ever feel like you're "getting behind?" Do you put unnecessary burdens on your shoulders? Listen as Professor Dr. Valencia Sylvain Stinson "Dr. V '' helps you navigate guilt, shame, and the "shoulds" that you put on yourself and replace these with empowering tools to open your mind and guide yourself on the best road. Learn how to break free of limiting beliefs and imposter syndrome and build a new relationship with yourself that aligns with your path and purpose.

Dr. V's a professor, author, and poet. She serves in women's ministry and uses poem therapy. Her non-profit DreamKEYper’s Int’l, Inc. promotes healthy intergenerational relationships through the arts. Her message is one of love and hope in all circumstances.

Listen to the episode here:


Living in Joy and Breaking Free from Imposter Syndrome


Forge Your Path and Live Your Greatness with Tom Kuegler