Tapping into Your Power: How to Use Intuitive Decision-Making to Navigate Life's Challenges with Lynn Robinson

Lynn Robinson

Have you ever felt lost in the maze of life, wanting a compass to guide your path? Join us on a profound journey with Lynn Robinson, intuitive adviser, and acclaimed author, as she reveals the secrets to tapping into your own inner guidance. 

Lynn helps you uncover your inner knowing. Learn how to tap into your intuition, amplify it, and nurture it so your inner-GPS navigates correctly, allowing you to manifest the abundance you deserve.

“I absolutely think we’re all hardwired with intuition, so all joking aside, I do think we have access to it, and I think it’s a deep inner wisdom, and I think we’ve forgotten how to listen to it.” – Lynn (1:38).

Ever feel like something keeps popping up in your life for some reason? Lynn reveals why these intuitive nudges may just be your cue to take action.

Uncover the secrets of distinguishing fear from genuine intuitive guidance and learn how the universe conspires in your favor as you trust your gut feelings. Learn from Lynn's expert techniques and personal anecdotes how to interpret the signs from the universe and how recurring intuitive nudges can show you the path forward. 

Lynn’s an expert on intuitive thinking with a global following over the last 35 years. She’s the author of 7 books on intuition and her calling is to help people like you develop your intuitive muscles.

She reminds us to trust the universe, embrace your power, and take action on the nudges of your intuition.

“Intuition might come in an aha moment, a still quiet voice, it might be a whisper.” – Lynn, (2:48).

 "It's just kind of putting the energy out towards what it is that you want. But again, you know, when you feel intuitively guided, if they feel uplifting or exciting or you're curious about them, those are the ones that intuition is guiding you towards."   – Lynn, (10:27).

Lynn unveils how to discern your emotions with clarity. Learn to harness excitement and curiosity as beacons to your preferred destiny. Listen as Lynn and Lauren discuss the universe's invisible support system and the importance of trusting those internal prompts that incessantly steer you towards growth and success.

This episode is a beacon for anyone seeking to rise above the noise, embrace your innate wisdom, and live an aligned life. 

 "And the caveat I will say is that almost everybody tells me that they get scared trusting their intuition because it usually moves them out of their comfort zone. You know, end a relationship or begin a relationship or end a job or begin a job or do something new. That it always feels a little bit scary. And so that anxiety or that fear is not your intuition saying no. It's just a normal, you know, that's what happens when you're doing, when you do something new." – Lynn, (14:01). 

“I realized I had been so focused on what I didn’t want, that thing that I was afraid of, that I hadn’t focused on what I really wanted.” – Lynn, (23:06).

Brace yourself for one of the most riveting guests you'll ever encounter as she enlightens you on the nature of intuition, the impact of spiritual guidance, and the beauty of embracing life's journey. Moreover, prepare to transform your mindset and welcome an era of positivity and fulfillment!

"When you have that kind of energy or that kind of determination, it's like the universe conspires to support you." – Lynn, (34:10)

Get ready to uncover your inner secrets, the courage to ask life's daring questions, and the thrill of trusting your inner guide. It's time to silence the critic within and amplify your intuitive voice to its maximum potential!

In this episode: 

  • (2:15) – How to find joy with intuition.

  • (2:19) – The various ways intuition comes to you.

  • (2:43) – How you can “miss” your intuition and how to know when to listen. 

  • (3:45) – Having “real” nurturing conversations with the universe. 

  • (5:06) – Affirmations that work for you. 

  • (6:49) – How to have the best mindset and what that is for you. 

  • (7:35) – The danger of living in worst-case scenarios thinking. 

  • (7:55) – How to reset your thinking and nurture your gifts. 

  • (8:36) – Law of Attraction and the best three-step approach to make it work.

  • (10:48) – How to amplify your intuitive gifts. 

  • (13:09) – Intuition is your inner GPS - how to nurture yours. 

  • (13:36) – How you can listen to your intuition. 

  • (16:12) – The importance of paying attention to your self talk. 

  • (17:35 – How to tap into your intuitive gifts. 

  • (23:00) – Manifest your spirit guide on abundance. 

  • (23:55) – Focusing on the right area for you. 

  • (24:35) – Healing isn’t always in your words. 

Resources and Links 

52 Weeks of Hope

Lynn Robinson

Lynn A. Robinson, M.Ed., is an International expert on the topic of intuition. She is a bestselling author and motivational speaker who has helped thousands of clients around the world access the power of their intuition. She has been sought out locally, nationally, and internationally for her remarkably accurate insights. She’s a personable, media-savvy expert who has been featured and quoted in Woman’s Day, Redbook, the Boston Globe, the Chicago Tribune, the New York Times, USA Today, and countless others. In addition to appearing on Anderson Cooper, Lynn has been seen on ABC and FOX News.

Lynn Robinson Social Media 

Lynn Robinson’s Books

If you’re ready to dive deep into your intuitive powers and understand how they can shape your future, this is the episode you’ve been waiting for as Lauren and Lynn help you:

  • Listen to the universe more astutely

  • Understand we live in a world that is filled with abundance

  • Become empowered to take the small steps to make big changes in life 

If you’re ready to:

  • Apply practical steps to move your life in a new direction

  • Move into your purpose and passion

  • Be brave, strong, and boldly walk into your future

… then this is the episode you’ve been waiting to hear!

Key Takeaways 

“The future is friendly.” – Lauren, (7:09).

“What we focus on expands.” – Lynn, (8:10).

“Sometimes Law of Attraction is missing the action piece.” – Lynn, (10:11).

  • [00:00:00] Lauren Abrams: Are you a burnt out overachiever buried in responsibilities? Do you miss laughing with your friends, just laughing from the gut? Do you feel like life's passing you by? If you've been wishing for some kind of shift, you're in the right place. Welcome to 52 Weeks of Hope, the show where we take you off the hamster wheel by ditching the to do list for the to don't list.

    This is where you get to learn how to make that lonely ache vanish, learn self compassion techniques, and to give yourself grace. I'm Lauren Abrams and I get to help you feel that magic again since going through my own dark night of the soul. Welcome So you can learn from my experience and the mentors and experts I meet along the way.

    And today we're talking to author, speaker, and intuitive advisor Lynn Robinson. Do you ever wish that life came with instruction manuals? Should you even go after your big vision? When's the best time to go after it? You should stay in your relationship or not? Is this the time for your career shift? You know you've got these intuitive abilities and you get to learn right now how to use them.

    Lynn's a sought after motivational [00:01:00] speaker. She's written seven books on accessing your intuition and makes it her mission to teach you how to develop your abilities so you can live and enjoy your best life. Know these answers so you can enhance. Your life and the life of others. Welcome to 52 Weeks of Hope, Lynn.

    I hear that introduction and I go, I want to talk to her. Yeah, yeah, right. I want to know. Well, you know, and I love this topic so much. I think it's hardest when we're the subject matter. Oh, totally. I could like know I'm very intuitive for others. Yes. I will say the same thing about

    [00:01:35] Lynn Robinson: myself. So that's what I'm saying.

    I want to talk to her, but I absolutely think we're all hardwired with intuition. And so all joking aside, I do think we have access to it. I think it's a deep inner wisdom and, and, you know, we've forgotten how to listen to it, you know, and how the information comes to us. But we all have that wisdom within, especially in these trying times when so many of us feel stuck and we're trying to figure out next steps.

    It's an invaluable

    [00:01:58] Lauren Abrams: skill to have. [00:02:00] It is and people are like, well, wait, how do I do that? I want to do that. And how did you get started? So that's three really huge questions, right? Right off

    [00:02:08] Lynn Robinson: the bat. Oh my gosh. Yeah But I love giving people practical information about how to trust it because it is it is invaluable You know, we all get it in different ways in a weird way It's kind of like learning a language, but you're kind of it's unique to you So the main well, i'll start by just defining what it is I mean that probably the quickest definition is You Simply quick and ready insight, but I think of it as sort of divine wisdom that we're all hardwired with it We all have that wisdom from our soul that's guiding us And I think a lot of people are under the impression that it's that you know a booming voice Lauren, here's what you're meant to do.

    Here's your next step or here's your mission in life Should you choose to accept it anyway, it doesn't come that way it comes as a I might be an aha moment. It might be a still quiet inner voice. It's kind of a whisper. Sometimes we just have synchronicities and coincidences that begin to happen, that kind of [00:03:00] guide us in the right direction.

    Sometimes it's a dream. I often find when I'm asking my own intuition for guidance, The synchronicities and coincidences often show up, like I'm guided to the right conversation, or maybe to listen to this podcast, or to read a book, or, you know, to, it's like the answers can come from other people too, but it starts to come when you're going, what's my intuition saying about this decision or this issue?

    So I think we can kind of, allow

    [00:03:25] Lauren Abrams: ourselves to be open to that guidance. Yeah. I just say to the universe, okay, please. Oh, every day I say I have an open heart and an open mind. That's part of mine. And I, if I'm on a deadline, I'll be like, okay, universe, you need to be a little blatant here. I'm not getting it.

    I'd like that you have a conversation

    [00:03:43] Lynn Robinson: with the universe, because that's what I do too. It's like, can you turn up the volume on that still quiet inner voice a little bit

    [00:03:47] Lauren Abrams: here?

    [00:03:48] Lynn Robinson: I'm not hearing

    [00:03:49] Lauren Abrams: you. Yeah. And then I, then I start ducking as if I'm going to get hit by lightning or something. If I ask to play, like, here comes a blazing intuition.

    No. Yeah. Yeah. Like, I don't know. It's just, [00:04:00]

    [00:04:00] Lynn Robinson: Yeah, but yes, but I think you're on the right track of asking for guidance about something. I mean, I like asking intuition empowering questions. So a disempowering question examples are, what am I doing wrong? Why am I not making any money? Why can't I find the right relationship?

    It's almost like the questions themselves kind of make you feel depressed, but Asking for a question or ask requesting information Like what can I do to attract a wonderful partner or what could I do to create more abundance right now? And you know as we've already said it doesn't always the answer doesn't always come right away But I usually find when I request information that sometime within the next day or two There will be some answer in some form.

    Yeah. So how do you feel about affirmations? Oh, I love them. Okay. Okay. I do. You know, they've really gotten me through trying times. I know they sound kind of like, you know, so simplistic, but I think you have to find the one that works for you. My favorite ones are, [00:05:00] maybe a statement, kind of, may all of this unfold with ease and grace.

    So it's like kind of the expectation that it's not going to be a lot of drama that it's, you know, that there's support and protection around me. So that's one favorite affirmation. I'll figure this out because I think a lot of times when we're stuck, we're just going, I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do.

    I'm stuck, but simply saying, I'll figure this out. That's a great one. Those are my two favorites. You know, I think you have to find the one that really fits for you. And, you know, there's certainly lots of ideas about affirmations, but on the internet, I find they're important. Maybe not for the obvious way, but because I think an affirmation or a positive mindset invites intuition.

    So if you're constantly saying to yourself, I'm unlucky or I don't know what to do or I'm stuck or you know, good things never come my way It's almost like you're blocking the intuition I probably all of us have had a good friend who's really having a difficult time and maybe we've got great advice Somebody we want to introduce her to or an idea [00:06:00] and they're going no.

    No, no, you know I'm, this is just not working for me. And and so it's sort of like that with intuition I think that when we're thinking really negatively we often block that intuitive guidance that's there to help us out So I like affirmations for that reason

    [00:06:14] Lauren Abrams: alone. Yeah, just to be open and I affirm every day the universe is expansive and, and, and just try to stay as open as possible.

    Right. And stay in love and light, which it's hard right now sometimes. I guess even saying it's hard is not great. I know we catch

    [00:06:32] Lynn Robinson: ourselves, don't we? Yeah, yeah. Saying it's hard. I know, I know. Right, right, right. No, I do the same thing. I do the same thing. But, you know, you're again, you know, good, good concept.

    Cause I, you know, that universe has our back, that the universe is supporting us even during the difficult times. I mean, you know, we never escape in this life without, you know, having something that's a little discouraging, you know, whether a job loss or relationship ending or a health crisis, you know, so the universe has my back.

    The [00:07:00] universe wants me to, you know, is supporting me. Those are great affirmations and certainly belief system to have.

    [00:07:06] Lauren Abrams: Yeah, and a friend a friend of mine the past way she wanted all of us to remind others the future is friendly She oh Yeah, I love that. Yeah, right and that she always said the future is friendly.

    I like that I may have to write that one down I know and she she was just she was so great and uh She's like remind, you know pass that on so i'm doing that Writing that one down the

    [00:07:31] Lynn Robinson: future is friendly. I like that You know, it's interesting lauren because I think what a lot of people do Is they kind of create worst case scenarios and they're they're like I call it.

    What if down, you know, what if this doesn't work? What if the relationship ends what if I get sicker? What if I don't make any money, you know, and it's it's in a way You're kind of saying the future isn't friendly and in doing all of that. So I try to be conscious of You know, what's the best case scenario?

    What if this does work out? You know, what if I do get better? You know, what if abundance is coming? So along the [00:08:00] lines of the future is friendly. I love that, you know but I think it's because I mean if you think of law of attraction, which I sometimes think is a little bit oversimplified, but we you know What we focus on expands.

    So if you think about the future as a friendly place Yeah, you know, it's like you're anticipating your um that good things are coming your way And even saying that to yourself like good opportunities are coming my way I'm going to stay open the universe has my back the future is friendly. We've just come up with some great affirmations here Yeah,

    [00:08:28] Lauren Abrams: we did.

    Okay. So you said you think the law of attraction is You Is a little simple. How can you explain and what is a better way?

    [00:08:36] Lynn Robinson: Well, I think the way it's presented a lot is, you know, think positive thoughts and positive things will happen to you I think it's a little more complex than that. I mean, I certainly try to apply it I have this technique that I love to use.

    Um, all a lot of attraction. It's got Three steps to it. One is to write down what you would like to happen. And I try to keep it pretty general, you know, but I've got freedom. I've got [00:09:00] flexibility. I've got abundance. I've got wonderful friends and support around me. I mean, maybe just as general as that.

    And, you know, put in any specifics. You'd like, not how it's going to happen, but more what, what you want in the next year or two. And then what I do every day is I spend some time visualizing it. And and what my spirit guides have told me is that when we do that when we focus on the what we want We imagine it as if it's already happened that we begin to draw those circumstances to ourselves, you know Again through all of those ways we've talked about synchronicities coincidences aha moments What I do specifically is I I kind of set my alarm clock for four minutes I close my eyes and I kind of talk to myself as if I have what I want You know, or that I, it's like, Oh, I'm so grateful for all the wonderful clients coming to me for intuitive readings.

    You know, my, my books are really selling great. I love these people that I'm working with, you know, thank you for my health. You know, I mean, I'll just kind of say it in that way, just kind of feel the energy of it. And then what I do is the third step is when I [00:10:00] open my eyes, I just say, what could I do today to move in this direction?

    Cause I think sometimes we just expect things will happen to us. And sometimes they do. Right. But I do think that sometimes the law of attraction is missing the action, the action piece, you know, to, you know, and it doesn't have to be something big, like write a book. It could be work, you know, post something on my social media, introduce myself to a stranger, you know, make a phone call I feel a little scared to make, you know, it's kind of read a book that I, that might be uplifting.

    I mean, it's just kind of putting the energy out towards what it is that you want. But again, you know, the ones that feel intuitively guided, if they feel uplifting or exciting or you're curious about them, those are the ones that intuition is guiding you towards. So that's my very favorite technique. I think of it as my intuitive business plan, because when I first started my business, before I started my business, I used to be the operations manager of a software company in Boston.

    I mean, talk about a weird, weird segue from doing that to doing intuitive readings. I use this technique. I mean, every [00:11:00] day I would say, I have a wonderful, thriving, intuitive reading business. I'm teaching seminars all over the world. You know, my books are being published in multiple languages. I would just talk to myself that way.

    You know, why I tell people don't try to figure out how any of this is going to happen is that my business actually started. By sitting down next to a reporter at a friend's funeral. I didn't know she was a reporter. I just felt guided to sit next to this woman. She was a total stranger. And at the end of my friend's service, she and I started, you know, small talk and she said, well, what do you do for a living?

    And I was the operations manager of a software company, but I found myself wanting to tell her, I said, you know, well, I'm thinking of starting this business, doing intuitive readings. And I just, I'm really excited about that. And, and she was just, Fortunately, because I was like, Oh my gosh, what are you saying to the strange woman?

    She was really interested and she asked for a reading. And so a week later, I was like, I gave her a reading and she said, wow, this was so helpful to me. You know, did you know that I was a reporter for the Boston Globe? And I said, no, I'm glad you didn't tell me that [00:12:00] beforehand. I would have been nervous.

    Um, but she ended up writing an article about me. It was called psychic psychology. And I ended up that article ended up attracting over 500 people over the next five. Five, uh, several months. So, I mean, it was amazing. I mean, it's, I, that's what, when you do that technique, that's what I find that kind of stuff happens, you know, weird miracles that are being in the right place at the right time, you know?

    So that was what launched my business, which was 35 years ago. Amazingly enough. No, those

    [00:12:31] Lauren Abrams: are the great stories though. Really are. And I love your number three. What could I do today? to move it. Because God doesn't drive parked cars is what I was told. I kept wishing I want this. I want even any steps in the direction, right?

    Energy, you know, no matter what it is, it's like putting energy towards What it is you want to do like that the [00:13:00] universe rises to meet you. I don't know how or why like you said

    [00:13:03] Lynn Robinson: The analogy I like to use is I think intuition is very much like our inner gps And if you program the one on your car or your phone, you know It doesn't really start giving you directions about your next steps until you put the foot on the accelerator So that's when the information so kind of like you're putting you're taking the steps.

    You're taking some action You're moving forward and that's when the the information comes in about, you know, go go in this direction You So I think it's amazing how the universe works, but it really does have our back, you know, it wants us to succeed. You know, I tell people one of the ways very simply to listen to their intuition is if a decision feels draining, boring, heavy, enervating, that's your intuition saying that's not the best next step for you.

    But if you feel, between excited, curious to mildly interested, um, wildly excited. That's your intuition saying go in that direction. And the caveat I will say is that almost [00:14:00] everybody tells me that they, they get scared trusting their intuition because It usually moves them out of their comfort zone, you know, end a relationship or begin a relationship or end a job or begin a job or do something new that it always feels a little bit scary and so That that anxiety or that fear is not your intuition saying no It's just a normal, you know, that's what happens when you're doing to all of us when you do something new So I think that's the biggest thing that I hear when i'm doing intuitive readings It's like well, I think I want to do this, but And then I hear a lot of people going, Oh, I don't have the confidence, or I don't have the money, or I don't have this, or I don't have that.

    And you know, it's a, it's fear speaking. You know, so take steps, baby steps in the direction of your dreams and the universe takes a lot of steps to meet you.

    [00:14:42] Lauren Abrams: Yeah. Oh, definitely. If the idea of it fills you with joy, you know, that's, yeah, that's it. And I was told God didn't put, I used to spin to this really motivational person where you're a motivational speaker.

    Yeah. And she'd be like, God didn't put that dream in your head for no reason. And [00:15:00] she'd go on this whole thing. And I

    [00:15:02] Lynn Robinson: get that. And I tell, I say that to a lot of people because they say, well, it's like, I have this big dream, but, and I say the exact same thing, you know, God, universe, your spirit, whatever, did not put that.

    In your heart or in your mind and say, no, I'm not giving you anything to get help. You get it. You know, it's there because you're meant to act on it. You know, I find I call those things intuitive nudges. If they keep coming back, Oh, I'd like to do this. Oh, I always thought about doing that. If they keep coming back to you, that's yours to act on.

    A lot of times people ask me about what's my mission or what's my purpose. And to me, it's not like a specific job, like Lauren, you're supposed to do podcasts or something. It's not that it's, it's more, you know, you're doing the thing that you like to do, but it's stepping into the bigger dream of it.

    It's like, how can I help others with this? You know, how can I expand this? How can I have courage and do this in an even bigger way? And you know, that's your mission. You know, it's like really stepping into the energy of your own power. But I like, I like what that person said. [00:16:00] I totally agree. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

    [00:16:02] Lauren Abrams: Angela Manuel Davis, yeah. Um, so somebody who's afraid though, how do you help them walk through that fear? Good question. You know, part of

    [00:16:10] Lynn Robinson: it is paying attention to what you say to yourself, because if you are saying things like, I can't, or I'm too scared, or I'm gonna, it's not gonna work, you're gonna have to find a way to shift that thinking a little bit and some small way.

    But I also tell people take small steps. I mean, You know, yeah, you may be getting judged, nudged towards, um, changing your job, for example, but you know, you've got a mortgage, you've got kids going to school, you're paying off your own school bills, who knows what's going on? You know, that, that feels way too scary and not practical, but how could you take steps towards it?

    Well, you could hire a coach, you could rewrite your resume. You could start asking, it's like, you're putting the energy out towards what you want. And that tends to lessen the fear a little bit, those baby steps. And I don't want to call them baby steps. Cause I'm. underestimating them. Often I've taken the baby steps and then the, the opportunity or the synchronicity [00:17:00] starts showing up.

    So again, you know, the future is a friendly place, you know, it wants to meet you.

    [00:17:05] Lauren Abrams: Yeah, yeah, definitely. I, I, I love that. Just taking any steps. Like it does create energy. So how did you start this? I mean, here you are, you're at a funeral, you end up, but what gave you the idea to even do this, especially 35 years ago?

    I know, I know. Yeah. I was definitely one of the first. Yeah.

    [00:17:25] Lynn Robinson: Yeah. You know, I was one of those, I was in that job at the IT minute, the, the IT minute. Manager of that IT company and I just kept thinking this is not what I want to be when I grow up And I would oh, I was always interested in things having to do with personal growth Counseling and spirituality and intuition.

    So I started taking a bunch of classes on especially about intuition And every time we had like one of those partner exercises where you're supposed to tune into your partner and get something And everybody's going how did you know that about me? And then I went to see a coach and, you know, I got a bunch of like aptitude tests.

    [00:18:00] And it was interesting because she said, you've got a lot of multiple aptitudes, which she said, you know, sometimes people just have one main thing. It's like, Oh yes, you're supposed to be an accountant. You're supposed to be a teacher, but I had a whole bunch of things. So she kept saying, you know, probably best to start your own business.

    And I kept saying, you know, well, I'd love to do, you know, intuitive readings for a living. Okay. You know, this is funny, because this happened before I met this woman at a funeral, but what I said to my coach was, she's, I said, it's not like there's a psychic wanted, help wanted ad in a Boston Globe newspaper.

    So, I said that before I ended up meeting the Boston Globe newspaper reporter, and she essentially put a Help Wanted ad for, um, for me. That is fabulous. Yeah. Isn't that funny? So, um. That was probably hindsight, too, that you remembered saying it. Right? Yeah. Yeah. Like, it's like, okay, you know, right place at the right time.

    But interestingly, after I'd been doing this work for about seven years, my mother's father, who lived in England, had been estranged from the family for quite a while, and he wrote to her. They started [00:19:00] corresponding and it turned out that he was a spiritual healer and a psychic in in England And I didn't know that my mother didn't know that so again It was one of those weird synchronicities that kind of made me feel like I was on the right track.

    Yeah Oddly, there really wasn't any direct family influence. I mean, we weren't particularly spiritual. We didn't go to church You know, my mother wasn't interested in this kind of stuff, you know, nor nor my father So somehow I guess I got the gene. I mean, I think we're all You Intuitive, but I obviously kind of like athletic abilities or musical abilities.

    I think sometimes there is a little hereditary element of it That we are more inclined towards doing something like that. So i'm really grateful to I mean, you know 35 years seven books being able to travel in uh internationally with this. I just I feel so blessed, you know So I think the universe is a friendly place

    [00:19:48] Lauren Abrams: Yeah, right.

    Yeah, definitely. So what's the hardest challenge you've gone through and how did you get through it? Well, a couple

    [00:19:57] Lynn Robinson: things come to mind. One [00:20:00] is I, you know, I found out when I was in my late 20s that I couldn't have kids. And oh my gosh, that was just devastating. And it corresponded to why I was engaged.

    And my, my fiance broke up with me. And several days later, I found out that I biologically couldn't have children. And I just, I had to put all of my skill set into, uh, staying positive, staying hopeful, you know, staying, you know, that this is somehow there's a divine plan. I'm, you know, I'm going to walk my talk.

    I'm going to try to stay centered and hopeful and believing that the universe is a friendly place that this is going to work out. But I, this is a strange story when, about two o'clock in the morning, one morning, um, shortly after this, I was just, you know, devastated. I mean, I can only maintain my positive attitude for so long at two o'clock in the morning.

    It's a lot harder than two o'clock in the afternoon. So I just remember praying and going, please, God, please show me that I'm going to have a family. You know, I just want to have a family in some way. I don't know what is going to happen, but that's what I want. And two o'clock in the morning, right after that, the [00:21:00] phone rang.

    I always get teary telling this story. And, and the phone rang, and I pick it up, and this little girl, probably teenager, like says, Hi, Mom. I mean, I always get chills when I say this. And I said, all I could say, I said, Honey, you have the right wrong number. And I said, just, you know, hang up and call your mom, you got the wrong number.

    But I was like, okay. There was a sign. And a few years later I ended up marrying a man who was divorced, who has a lovely, you know, six year old son, and uh, ended up being his stepmom, which has been the joy of my life. He's now 41. Oh my goodness. I don't know how that happened. I think my stepson's my age, so I'm not really sure how that happened.

    Um, but that was, that was definitely one of those really challenging times. But also in 35 years of having a business, there's definitely been ups and downs. and downs, book contracts that didn't happen, when business slows down, you know, just really trying to stay positive through those things. So, you know, my main theory is that we are being guided and these things happen for us, not [00:22:00] to us, you know, that there's something we may need to learn on a soul level.

    So I try to maintain that attitude.

    [00:22:06] Lauren Abrams: Yeah, no you you your story is fabulous that phone call. I mean, uh, it's not amazing I still

    [00:22:13] Lynn Robinson: can't believe that happened. I still can't believe it. I was sure Yeah, I had another one that happened to me when I was in my um 20s before I started this business. I had um, I'm trying to think of how to say the story succinctly, but I had a job that I had taken and the company ended up falling through.

    It went bankrupt. They ended up not paying me. I was virtually homeless. I was sleeping on a couch in a friend's apartment and my car was falling apart. I, you know, it was like all sorts of things going on. It was just awful. And again, you know, two o'clock in the morning, I'm like crying. Oh my God, you know, I'm thinking of all the worst case scenarios.

    It was one of the first times I really felt like I got a message from my spirit guides and all I can think to describe it is I felt all of a sudden through the tears that I got a [00:23:00] really warm embrace and just felt like I was just being guided by love and I heard this voice and it really felt like a voice very different than just your normal inner chatter and the voice said there's abundance all around you ask for what you need and I realized that I had been so focused on what I didn't want.

    That I didn't, that I was afraid of, that I hadn't really focused on what I wanted. And that really, again, the universe is a friendly place, you know, that, that it wanted to help me. And so I started thinking, well, instead of, you know, my car falling apart and being broken homeless, you know, I want a job. I want a newer car that works.

    So, you know, I want my own apartment. And, you know, I mean, I can't tell you what happened overnight. It didn't, but within the space of several months, I got a job. I was able to afford a car that I was able to afford an apartment. But I realized that was a big turning point for me, was recognizing just to keep my focus on what I want versus what I don't want.


    [00:23:56] Lauren Abrams: I love that one too. And it's [00:24:00] like this Angela Manuel Davis. I, I was in a, my dark night of the soul that I talk about in my intro. And, and I was in her class spinning in the back row. It's pitch black. She's doing her thing and I'm crying. And she did, I don't know who I'm talking to right now, but someone needs to hear this.

    And I don't even remember what she said, but something in me shifted and I knew I'd be okay. Yeah. Interesting. And it's not like, it's not like everything changed in that moment, but I knew I'd be okay.

    [00:24:29] Lynn Robinson: Yeah. And there's sometimes I think a real healing energy that people can put out. It's not necessarily the words.

    It's just that hope, inspiration, energy that like kind of sounded like it shifted you in that class.

    [00:24:42] Lauren Abrams: Yeah. Yeah. It's not like money rained down on me. Like I was having, I, everything looked good on the outside. And yet, how am I going to feed my kids? You know, like a thriving law practice and everything else, but The money wasn't like I wasn't getting paid and I was like [00:25:00] I had employees I had all this stuff and I was like I was in I was just so scared and I couldn't I couldn't tell anyone and like I don't know I wrote her the longest letter too.

    Wow, like you probably don't even know me She grabbed me the next time I came in and I had I had classes in the Keck, Q U E, Q U E, that word anyway. And it's not like I was paying for them. And she grabbed me when I came in and she said, I know, and put me, pulled me in an office that goes, I've been there.

    I know exactly what you're talking about. Wow.

    [00:25:31] Lynn Robinson: Wow. But that's so helpful for people to know. Cause I think, especially with social media being so prevalent, we all think that, you know, everybody's got this happy, happy, successful life, you know, happy, happy marriage. No, they're all, everything's great. And look, I think there's probably not one of us who has not been through the dark night of the soul, however, deep or not.

    You know that have had those setbacks that have had those fears that whether it's money or you know a cancer or you know Find out your your partner's unfaithful or something, [00:26:00] you know Everybody goes through it, you know, oh my gosh, we could probably spend another hour recounting those things for everybody but you know I think I think that's one of the things I feel most grateful for one is in getting older recognizing that i've gone through those Times that i've managed to thrive You Um, but it's also just seeing that in my clients, you know, I mean I It's funny business in a way.

    It's not like a regular coach where you know, you might be talking to people every week It's like people call me maybe once or twice a year or once and I don't hear from them again for 10 years or something But and so I often hear them when they're in that despairing place, you know I've run out of money or whatever the issue is and then I Talk, talk to them later and it's like, Oh God, you know, this is what turned out.

    This is, I just had the baby or I just, you know, I got, I'm now in remission or, you know, so it's given me a lot of faith and hope that, you know, even in my own life, when those dark times happen, that things turn around, you know, they don't usually stay that way.

    [00:26:56] Lauren Abrams: Right. Right. The only way through is through like you have to go through it [00:27:00] and, uh, and yeah, Produce this, this podcast as a result.

    Yes. And for this. To lots of people. Years later. So, yeah, I, I love doing this. Um, and that's a good segue into, do you have a message or hope you want to give. You know, I think it

    [00:27:18] Lynn Robinson: really is that. It's, you know, we're all in a transition and that the bad times don't last, that they do get better and that they can change and keep your focus on what you want, not what you don't want.

    I mean, that's what those guides say to me, said to me, and that's probably the thing that's held me through all of these dark times that I've gone through is that these dark times don't last. They don't last. You'll get through it. You have the strength and they're happening, you know, for you, not to you, you know, that they're helping you become strong and maybe the weak places of the broken places and that you'll also be, you know, able to help other people who are going through these dark times like Lauren's doing.

    You know that her dark night of the soul [00:28:00] has really opened up this energy to be able to help others. And you know, we're all going through that right now. I mean through one thing or another. I mean, covid really decimated a lot of us emotionally and spiritually and financially. And so, you know, you might be here going through that just to lift other people up and find your own tools where you can be helpful to somebody else.

    Um, so I just, you know, it's that's It's, it's, I always try to remind myself, this is just something I'm going through right now. It's not going to be permanently the situation. Do you have a favorite of your seven books that you wrote? I think it's probably Divine Intuition. Divine Intuition. I love that book.

    That was, I, this is the second edition of it. The first edition came out, gosh, I think it was 20 years, over 20 years ago. But that was really a divinely guided book. I actually had a dream that you're about writing that book and kept seeing the title of it. So it just felt like it was really one of those things that I felt very, very guided to write.

    And it's, it, what I tried to do in that book is to give people the stories [00:29:00] and the techniques of how to get out of a stuck time, how to move towards happiness and success in their life. Cause you know, there's a lot of books about intuition and spirituality out there, which I, I read and totally value.

    But I think a lot of people don't say. How do you do it? How do you implement this? What do you, how, what tools do you use? And so that seems to be one of my gifts. There you go. Practical ways to use your

    [00:29:22] Lauren Abrams: intuition.

    [00:29:23] Lynn Robinson: Yeah, absolutely. So that's, and then I've written a business book which is called Put Your Intuition to Work.

    That's more about using this, it's called, subtitled How to Supercharge Your Inner Wisdom to Think. Think fast and make great decisions. So that was more business oriented. Um, I'm finding that a lot of people in business are starting to use intuitives and certainly starting to use their own intuition more because things are changing so rapidly.

    We, you know, whether it's business or just our own personal lives, we can't just make decisions based on what's worked before, you know, it's, we're really having to use those intuitive skills to guide us forward. So [00:30:00] I love working with people, helping them trust that inner wisdom. Um,

    [00:30:03] Lauren Abrams: Yeah, that is great.

    And I've been talking a lot in the last few months about the pause

    [00:30:09] Lynn Robinson: About

    [00:30:10] Lauren Abrams: taking that breath and taking those few minutes. Yes to tap in And answers emerge in the pause Right, and it doesn't have to

    [00:30:18] Lynn Robinson: be like half an hour of contemplating your navel as you're implying It could just be you know, what's my guidance about this?

    What's my guidance saying? What's my right next step and just you know, 30 seconds. It doesn't have to take a long period of time You

    [00:30:33] Lauren Abrams: Yeah, I love that. What's my next right step? Just yeah, that's one of my favorite. Yeah, right. I love that one, too Oh, this is so great. Yeah All the links for everything lynn Show notes on the website and everything else.

    She you can reach her on zoom. You could just have a reading Yeah,

    [00:30:52] Lynn Robinson: yeah, I know. That's all all of my readings are done by zoom now, so it makes it very easy I get to stay in my little home office here in uh, sarasota [00:31:00] florida and uh, talk to people all over the world So it's kind of a Miraculous thing right there.

    Yeah, that's so great. Oh, this has been great. Thank you so much for being with us today. Thanks.

    [00:31:10] Lauren Abrams: Lovely conversation. Thank you for inviting me, Lauren. Bye. I hope you enjoyed this week's episode and take with you the messages of honesty, gratitude, and an open heart, such great messages to take into your week ahead.

    Be sure to tune in next week for another empowering episode, all about how to live abundantly authentically and how to have fun. It's a great episode. That's super upbeat. And that's next week. You definitely don't want to miss that. Be sure to sign up for free confidence and clarity boost sessions. If you're struggling, this might be for you.

    It's for those who feel like life's passing them by your inner critics going nonstop. You're feeling burnt out and jealous of those who are doing what you wish you were doing. Just go to the website at 52weeksofhope. com and sign up over there. If you're enjoying the podcast, share the love [00:32:00] and tell two of your friends.

    I'm Lauren Abrams. Thanks for listening.


Best Of 52 Weeks of Hope: Part 3


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