How To Get Through Tough Times

Jack Herrguth

Have you ever felt like life just pulled the rug out from under you? How do you keep moving forward after experiencing failure after failure? Jack Herrguth joins Lauren to share what he’s learned from his own struggles, how he overcame his catastrophic thinking and what inspired his new comedy podcast, “Never Surrender.” Jack gives a much needed reminder that we always have the choice to begin again in order to keep going and never give up!  

In this podcast episode, Lauren and Jack discuss: 

  • Jack’s experience with loss and despair 

  • Learning from failure and deciding to never give up

  • Projecting and manifesting positivity—even when you’re skeptical 

  • Creating beauty and growth out of negativity 

  • Finding balance and embracing new beginnings

  • Remembering nothing lasts forever 

  • Shifting perspective through challenges like cancer

  • A resolve to never surrender and to keep moving forward

Memorable Quotes: 

  • “It sounds trite but it's true, you just have to keep going. You just have to put one foot in front of the other and take things minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, week by week, and month by month, because you will get through it.”

  • “That really is the message—just keep going and that bad things won't last forever and good things are just around the corner. You just have to have hope and faith that things will get better. And odds are they will.”

  • “It's just that there's good times, there's bad times, and you just have to never give up, never surrender, and just make your way through them. Because you never know what life's gonna throw at you and you have to keep moving.”

About Jack Herrguth:

Jack Herrguth is an entertainment executive, writer and developer for many shows including the hit television series “Sister, Sister” and “Nathan For You” at Comedy Central. He’s also served in senior development roles and Jack recently developed the half-hour comedy, “Killing It” with Paul Feig, and executive produced the 2019 feature film, “Never Surrender: A Galaxy Quest Documentary.” He produces the monthly comedy game show, “Pop Cultured” with Nicky Urban and Jimmy Pardo and co-hosts the podcast “Never Surrender”.

Connect with Jack:

Never Surrender 

Links Mentioned:

Will Smith on Failure 

Listen to the episode here:


Resilience and the Power to Overcome Anything


How To Find The Joy & Savor the Moments