Following Your Calling with Karen Gamba

Karen Gamba

Today’s guest Karen Gamba has endured challenges most of us can’t even imagine. Growing up in South Africa during apartheid, Karen eventually came to the U.S. and built a successful career in corporate America. 

But when she realized a corporate career didn’t feed her soul, she took on another challenge: leaving the security of her longtime 9 to 5 to start not one but two companies – PR agency ExV Agency and nonprofit Women Building Women. 

In this episode, Karen shares how she found the strength to follow her true calling, the ways in which apartheid shaped her desire to help marginalized women through Women Building Women, and how she found her joy.

“So often we just stay in a life and a lane that just doesn't fuel us. I often speak about the fact that I know so many people whose bank accounts might be running over, but their souls are empty and they just feel so depleted and sad and finding that happy medium of, you know, of course you want success. You want to put bread on the table. You want to support your family and live a comfortable life. But if you are not there in body, mind and soul to be a part of that journey because you're so depleted from a job or a career that doesn't fuel you, then what is the point?” – Karen (01:41)

Karen also talks about the role of vulnerability in pursuing your dreams, how to start listening to that little voice of change, and shares her unique message of hope.

“You just keep going. And the universe starts meeting you and everything starts showing up to match what it is you wanna do. And it all just starts showing up. It just does. Everything is happening for your highest good. The future is friendly.” – Karen (29:19)

In this episode:

  • (01:41) How Karen found the strength to leave corporate America and follow her true calling

  • (03:28) Coming to the U.S. from South Africa

  • (07:31) Karen’s advice for those struggling to find their joy

  • (10:23) Becoming aware of our inner dialogue

  • (13:50) Growing up in South Africa during apartheid

  • (17:58) Starting non-profit Women Building Women

  • (22:14) The hardest challenge Karen has overcome

  • (25:53) Karen’s strategies for dealing with stress, and getting in touch with your higher self

  • (34:48) Karen’s message of hope



Personal branding specialist Karen Gamba left corporate America to follow her true calling as co-founder and CEO of PR agency ExV Agency, as well as co-founder of Women Building Women, a nonprofit that supports marginalized women through educational, mentorship and career strategies.


Resources & Links

Karen Gamba

Listen to the episode here:


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