Silencing Your Inner Critic: Steps to Speak with Love & Boost Your Confidence with Scott Stabile

Silencing Your Inner Critic: Steps to Speak with Love & Boost Your Confidence with Scott Stabile

Are you sick of comparison and despair? Comparing your insides to someone else's outsides? Listen right now and learn how to stop the negative self-talk, discover self-compassion techniques, heal your past trauma, and move into the version of yourself you know you’re meant to be!

“Every human being on this planet is dealing with some aspect of traumatic childhoods.” – Scott, (3:54) 

Listen and learn how to love and accept yourself fully and give yourself the kindness and grace you deserve. Self-love is a skill, and you get to develop that skill. Uncover the secrets of detaching from your negative thoughts and insert some curiosity and humor into your internal dialogue. 

“All of us; every single human being on the planet longs to give love and receive love.” – Scott, (6:20)

 "I was constantly shaming myself because I wasn't this enlightened soul instead of bringing love and grace to where I was and am. And for me, that's the essence of enough as you are." – Scott, (10:21) 

You're in for a treat hearing from author Scott Stabile, suggesting practical techniques like heart-centered communications, self-love journaling, and heartfelt letter writing to different facets of yourself. 

He shares vulnerable moments of his life, including the loss of his parents and leaving a spiritual community, and opens up about his path toward healing and self-acceptance. He now makes it his mission, to help you reach your highest authentic truth and share your gifts without being in a constant judgy state.

“I’ve never shamed myself into healing, but have loved myself into a much more healed space.” – Scott, (13:40)

Discover practical tips for embracing self-love in your day-to-day life as Scott guides you through the art of journaling with soul-searching questions.

If you've ever felt overwhelmed by loneliness or strive to find your inherent worth, this episode provides you a salve. 

“So often our comfort zones are zones that have us feeling miserable, but misery becomes comfortable when it’s all we know.” – Scott, (28:05)

Learn how to identify negative self-talk and reframe your mindset through gentle, loving challenges to those thoughts. Unlock new epiphanies, as you remember that you are not your thoughts. 

“We've been taught to believe what our mind is telling us instead of challenging, and we can challenge it in a really loving way. I'm not interested in going to war with my mind. That is a war I would lose time and again my mind is adept at fighting, but I am interested in challenging my mind when it's telling me a bunch of nonsense about myself or other people, when it's trying to take me out of love for myself and other people."  – Scott, (16:17)

In This Episode

  • 1:48 – Self-worth as a personal issue.

  • 2:31- Operating from authenticity rather than a place of conditioning. 

  • (4:02) – The impact of a single personal comment on you. 

  • (4:50) – The power of living in alignment. 

  • (5:50) – Aligning with the energy of love. 

  • (6:04) – The benefits of inviting the energy of love into your life. 

  • (10:53) – Your self-worth. 

  • (11:24) – It’s what you do from ”right now” forward. 

  • (11:47) – Being willing to love yourself.

  • (12:50) – The power of self-reflection. 

  • (15:17) – The power of laughter. 

  • (16:01) – The lies your mind tells you. 

  • (17:42) – Loving yourself helps you show up for life. 

  • (18:55) – Using the smallest instances to acknowledge your self-worth. 

  • (19:45) – Starting a self-love journal. 

  • (20:45) – The power of being honest with yourself when it comes to love. 

  • (21:35) – The only thing that limits you from loving yourself fully. 

  • (24:34) – How to pay attention to your thoughts without becoming them. 

  • (25:02) – About giving your inner critic a voice.. 

  • (27:33) – How to deal with loneliness.

  • (28:03) – Stepping out of your comfort zone. 

  • (28:48) – You’re not alone in your loneliness. 

  • (30:40) – How breath helps you heal.

  • (34:22) – Scott’s message of hope. 

Resources and Links 

52 Weeks of Hope

Scott Stabile 


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