Forging a New Path with Dani Reardon

Dani Reardon

When our path is no longer spiritually fulfilling, we must pivot to something that is. 

Today’s guest is former bodybuilding champion Dani Reardon, whose intense spiritual journey is the result of pivoting from professional bodybuilding to yoga, energy work and starting her own company, Conscious Champion. 

“My nickname was Little Monster Star. People didn't even know me by Dani. They just knew me by like my tagline and through Instagram and stuff. They're like, I didn't even know your name. And so I didn't even know how much my identity was fully in the bodybuilding world until I left. And I was just like this scared, naked out in the world, ‘who am I’ kind of person?” – Dani (09:20)

In this episode, Dani shares how competitive bodybuilding eventually led her to a new path towards spirituality, the dark night of the soul she endured to find her true identity, and how our perspective shapes the way we perceive dark and light in the universe.

“One of my favorite quotes by Albert Einstein is , ‘Do you believe you live in a friendly or a hostile universe?’ And I believe I live in a friendly universe, even if hostile things happen to me. It's a lesson, it's here to teach me and help me grow and evolve. It's my school at that moment. And so I think it's about our perspective.” – Dani (16:18)

Dani also shares the message of hope she learned during her journey to find herself, and discusses why we are more than our physical forms: 

“For people out there who are maybe struggling with body image issues, or even the voices in their head, you're not either of those things. You're not the body. You're not the mind. And I know because I've achieved greatness with both of those and it still wasn't me, still wasn't who I was. Who you are is so much more vast and so much more infinite and energetic and connected to everything.” – Dani (25:49)

In this episode:

  • (01:13) Dani’s career as a bodybuilding champion

  • (03:49) Dani’s dark night of the soul

  • (06:17) Dani’s graduate degree, arrest and spiritual awakening

  • (07:47) “The Force is real.”

  • (08:43) Pivoting from bodybuilding to yoga

  • (10:55) Teaching yoga, and passing on knowledge to kids

  • (11:51) The genesis of Conscious Champion

  • (15:45) “How are you so happy all the time?”

  • (17:22) Dani’s advice for those who are struggling

  • (21:07) The hardest challenge Dani has overcome

  • (25:49) Dani’s message of hope


About Dani Reardon

Former bodybuilding champion Dani Reardon is an energy coach, podcast host and CEO of Conscious Champion, which helps people connect their bodies to their minds for greater success in sports, competition and life. 


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Dani Reardon


Listen to the episode here:


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