Creating Your Dream Life with Jim Palmer

Jim Palmer

Ever wish you could quit your job and sell your house to live on a boat and run your dream business? 

For most of us, it’s just a fantasy – but for coach, mentor and video marketer Jim Palmer, it’s real life. 

In 2016, following a termination at work and a cancer diagnosis, Jim, his wife and their four kids decided to follow their dreams – by selling their home in Philadelphia and moving onto a house boat. 

Living his dream lifestyle and running his dream business, Jim now teaches others how to do the same. 

Today, Jim joins me to talk about saying yes to your dreams, why working with a coach can be invaluable, strategies for success he provides to his clients, and why perfectionism holds you back. 

“There's an expression: Perfectionism or perfectionist is a label you wear. So it doesn't have to be your fault. In other words, what holds most people back from kind of pulling the trigger, launching, writing, publishing, whatever is, ‘I'm afraid of what people will say if it's not perfect.’ People become worried. … Make a decision as an entrepreneur, author, coach, speaker, whatever, just choose that you wanna be judged on the information that you share and not the imperfect way in which you share it. I've told so many of my clients that, and they're like, wow, that really works.” – Jim (08:47) 

Jim also shares his techniques for overcoming challenges, and talks about how he helps other small business owners and entrepreneurs create their own dream lives. 

“I believe that everybody is here for a reason. I believe we're here to serve each other. I think everybody has a God-given skill or talent. So you can either just use that in your private life, or if you happen to use that skill or talent and make it a business, become a small business owner. That's good too, because when you fully take control of your life – and that's what I mean by the dream business dream lifestyle – the best way you can control your own life and destiny is to actually create it yourself, create your own economy, create your own future.” – Jim (27:47) 

In This Episode

  • (03:17) Taking the leap to become “boat people”

  • (05:49) What if you just say yes?

  • (08:28) How Jim helps people find their paths

  • (13:53) Jim’s top tools he gives his coaching clients

  • (14:54) Why working with a coach is imperative

  • (15:40) Jim’s story

  • (18:56) “The views just started going up”

  • (23:26) The hardest challenge Jim has overcome

  • (26:13) What do you do when you feel like giving up?

  • (27:47) Jim’s message of hope


Jim Palmer is the founder of the Dream Business Mastermind and Coaching Program, creator of Dream Business Academy, and host of weekly podcast Dream Business Radio. Jim is also the author of several books, including “Decide: The Ultimate Success Trigger,” “It’s Okay to Be Scared…But Never Give Up,” and “Just Say Yes! Create A Dream Business and Live Your Dream Lifestyle.”

Resources & Links

52 Weeks of Hope

Jim Palmer

Listen to the episode here:


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