Discovering Your Power Within with April Pfender

April Pfender

Do you ever get the feeling that the universe is speaking to you? Are you wondering when the right time to take action really is? Listen as Reiki Master April Pfender shows you her path to her power and the methods she uses to get there. She shares her experiences and guides you to use your energy in a way that leads you to live your purpose and a more fulfilling life. 

 “When in doubt, do nothing.” – (11:30), Lauren.

In this episode, April shows you how to tap into your spiritual purpose and how to clearly distinguish all the responses you receive. From understanding and embracing the yes’s to realizing that no and maybe, are the same thing. You’ll feel armed with the knowledge you need for whatever’s happening in the moment. You’ll feel a new sense of awareness after listening to this episode. 

“As creator beings, we know we’re not playing that game of it’s happening for me because I created that stream of consciousness.” – (13:33), April. 

Find your path of awakening and power by using big prayers and using your heart in the decision-making process. Listen and be inspired by the energy that exists within you. You’ll be motivated to release all doubt and embrace the positivity inside! 

“When someone wants to ciphon your energy, you can say I really want to hear what you’re saying right now but I’m not available for that at this time and we should circle back later.” – (25:09), April. 

In this episode: 

  • (2:00) – You have a path of awakening. 

  • (3:18) – How to thrive when you’re going through a transition. 

  • (3:40) – Cultivating your power of purposeful, big prayers.

  • (4:40) – How to make the most out of  coming out of your cocoon. 

  • (5:20) – How to listen to the responses you receive. 

  • (6:30) – Tuning into your spiritual meaning and purpose.

  • (7:23) – How you know you’re right where you need to be. 

  • (8:17) – If life sends you a maybe, how to decipher the meaning. 

  • (9:20) – How to determine life’s messages.

  • (10:10) – The importance of “running” your decisions by your heart.

  • (11:54) – Weigh what belongs to you and what’s yours. 

  • (14:47) – Naturally channeling Reiki.

  • (15:24) – Why giving Reiki to a source you’re not attuned to can deplete you.

  • (21:10) – What to do when you encounter negativity. 

  • (22:33) – The benefits of working on your personal energy.

  • (24:14) – The benefits of cleansing your energy. 

  • (31:30) – Why some lessons of life repeat. 

  • (33:51) – Things to do so you can maintain positive. 

  • (34:21) – The ramifications of not spending time in quiet. 

  • (35:16) – Why you want to commit to your body temple.

  • (36:36) – Remember that everything is temporary!

  • (37:27) – Allow your “creator being” to speak up for yourself. 

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52 Weeks of Hope

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April Pfender

Listen to the episode here:

  • April [00:00:00] I get people who say like, oh, well, we don't really have time for that. That's not really going to work in my schedule. And that's adorable. And, and I also feel like eat something. That self-commitment is what you get, what you put into it. So, if you're not committing to honoring your body temple with nutritious foods and rest a movement and virtual, you know, you're, you're not, you might be missing one of those categories, but it's never too late to drop back in. The good news is you have a new chance every single day. If you can spend 5 minutes like I'm on my mommy. Like, lock themselves in the bathroom for 5 minutes and just have their, like, quiet time doing their makeup or whatnot, brushing their teeth or whatever. And I think that that's an important thing to work in is just getting a little bit of patience.

    Lauren [00:00:51] Are you a burnt out, type-A, overachieving mom who's buried in responsibilities and feeling like life's passing you by? Welcome to 52 Weeks of Hope, where you rediscover the joy of pausing, laughing from the belly, and getting back to your meaningful one on one time with others. This is where you get to learn how to make that lonely, vanish and get rid of your nonstop inner critic. Learn self-compassion techniques and to give yourself grace. How to stop feeling short fuzzed light up to see people be happy to your core. If you've been feeling like life's passing you by, you're in the right place. I'm Lauren Abrams and I get to help you feel that magic again. Since going through my own dark night of the soul by chatting with incredible leaders, healers, and change agents who give you their message of hope after overcoming their own dark night of the soul and taking their own leaps of faith. Today we're talking to the celebrated Reiki master and teacher, April Pfender. She's an advocate of being true to your highest self. April helps you follow your dreams and visions and shows you how to be in the driver's seat for your own life. She helps you heal and awaken your true passion. She's written three books, including a fairly new book out called The Complete Guide to Chakras. She's so much fun to be around. You're going to love the energy of this episode. And she has a really infectious smile. Welcome to 52 Weeks of Hope, April.

    April [00:02:14] And thank you for that glorious introduction. Dear Heart. I am so honored to be here with you today.

    Lauren [00:02:23] So good to see you again. So, I was doing a little bit of research on you, and it says that you've been a healer for 15 years now, which of course made me think, well, okay, what did you do before that?

    April [00:02:34] So, you know, what's funny is that we're moving into a time where we have all these different beautiful timelines, overlapping and some of my story. Hang that in it, right? We have a timeline where I was working in marketing and I had an advertising degree and I wanted to help everyone fall in love. So I actually worked over at, which was way back in the day. Yeah. And You know,, I would always give healings to my friends and my family. And that's how this really started my passion for therapy and for really helping people to come to a place where I had found in my own dharmic path, which is the path of awakening and exploring a mindfulness consciousness practice. And it really just started with me, you know, discovering yoga and meditation and really following those have been, as this evolved, building an entire healing business out of that. And it took many years to get there. But yeah, there is different parts of my journey that I definitely served in, in different capacities and different roles. And I love that the human part of what we get to do in this world of playing with different roles and wearing hats and working in an office with people, you know, just I think it really gave me a grounded sense of what a lot of us go through every day, because I know I can be a little further removed in the healing space, you know, and really dealing with all the dynamics that we deal with in our workplace. And it's really important to have that that background. I am I don't regret any of it, but it was a time of growth in my life when I was trying on different hats. And I think we've all I think we've all been there for myself. It was like I feel like I've lived for, I don't know, ten different lifetimes in this lifetime with anyone else. Feel that way.

    Lauren [00:04:32] Yeah, I am sure plenty of people relate to that.

    April [00:04:35] So my word of advice for anyone who is going through a large change transition right now. And so for myself, I just made actually, this sounds really simple, right? But I made a big prayer. When I say I make a big prayer, I pray so hard every day for what I'm supposed to be in alignment with, for that just to come into my path at using grace. But I make that intention and sometime just kind of cultivating that awareness around, Hey, I'm going to be able to recognize an opportunity and I'm going to be able to discern not and when I need to get out of my own way, when I need to change direction. And so this year has been a year of a lot of people dropping in to their greater sense of inner guidance and direction. And I had to listen to my heart on this one. I see a lot of the community, you know, I've been serving the community as my business name, formerly had been Santa Monica Healing for a long time, and it's all my books and programs are published under there, so it's really easy to find. But I knew I couldn't stay in that limited container or. And it's something we want to do forever. But I knew the greater mission and purpose was to continue to serve. So, like a butterfly coming out of the cuckoo. And I had to first evolve and I had to first shake things up and reorganize and establish my foundation. And I felt my best way to do that was to make a big prayer, ask where I needed to be. And then I did receive guidance. But not until, to be honest with you, pretty much the moment that I had to make a decision, Maui came through in my consciousness and the way in which it came through and which I can, you know, provide a little guidance for listeners is that if you're looking to make a big change, you just don't know what it is or where you're, you know, on your path, what that needs to be when you make your prayer and intention for clarity and guidance, get quiet enough to listen to the responses that are coming through. Because mine came through in really strange ways. And I'll give you an example, though. When I prayed, I said, Well, you know, where would you have me be? Who would you have me through? Where might this be? So I would go outside to walk my dog in Santa Monica, you know, Palisades Park. Really nice. And Christie little area up there. I would go walk my dog and I would see someone passing by with like a Hawaiian shirt on and a Hawaii or something. And, you know, one of the first thing I'll see is a license plate from Hawaii on the mainland. Or else, you know, I would see I would start just really the sign were coming in pretty hard and at where I would, you know, go on to social media. And the first thing I would go to make a pose for myself and I that the feeds would come up and it would be like pictures of Hawaii. So things were coming through in in various ways that led me to that, like nudge, nudge, nudge like, this is where you're supposed to be. And as I tuned into that, more stronger spiritual meaning and purpose for me, I felt like this, you know, Maui, so interesting. It means a lot of hearing. It's a place of healing, but it's also a place that needs healing in many ways, which I can go into for like hours. But really high level. It is. It is calling lightworkers right now. But as are many places, there are many places that have been calling, and I call them little light assignments, like we're getting reassigned on this in new area. And it's so funny, like so for you, you know, staying in Beverly Hills or being in the L.A. community and I love that community so much. I've been a part of it for years and it's very near to my heart. It is an important. You are a regional piece exactly as you are, because your frequency and your energy needs to be there because it it's like everywhere we're we're is the rain is exactly where we need to be. And that's what we have to remember. Unless you're getting that nudge. Hey, it's time. Okay? It's time for. For what? Let's listen. So we are like little pieces of the puzzle making this big light grid everywhere.

    Lauren [00:09:00] One of the questions I wanted to ask you what would you tell someone that has that little inner voice telling them they should make a change, but they're not sure. Whatever it is, it could be finance, romance, where they live, anything. But then they're not sure that's just discontent. It's because everything's messed up in the world or whatever, and they're not listening to it. What would you tell somebody?

    April [00:09:25] Yeah, I would say if. Then maybe this is just such a simple way to put it, and it's like the most direct way. If it's a maybe it's still a no, it's not going to be a yes until it's a have.

    Lauren [00:09:39] Then yes.

    April [00:09:41] Like we are going all the way with our empowerment in our full body. Yes. And right now you're going to see. Ideas and illusions and revelations coming through a collective consciousness that it's a little scary to think about. Sometimes we don't bring up your vibration, but we think about, wow, there's so much misinformation, there's so much conflicting polarity, things that are happening in the collective that we don't want to pull from the collective anymore. We don't want to pull our ideas in the media. We don't want to pull our ideas from what's going on in the Mask collective. That's not a smart thing to do right now. Now, it's good to be aware and it's good to know what's going on. And as far as your own sovereign being, how do I determine what my. Yasmin Because there's a whole line, there's so much we have to it to wade through to be it in order to get really clear with ourselves. And I'll tell you what, our consciousness is moving into a place and I would argue, have moved into a place where you're operating from. I'm operating from, and I know a lot of your listeners are operating from already is a heart guided place. And so when we feel into a decision that it needs to be from your heart. Now, I know some people in here might be, you know, into astrology or Zodiac human design. Like, Oh, I'm a man of that thing. Generator I feel into my people. If you don't know what that is, don't worry about it. But I encourage everyone to start feeling and running decisions by your heart because we're too much in our head, right? We're in the ping pong, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing. In our head. We are not operating in our hearts because we're operating in an ego conscious. And that can be a little dangerous. And it can. It certainly feels exciting to our hearts space to know a solid answer. And sometimes we're not comfortable in saying that in that uncertainty. We just know, hey, well, this is a decision that's up for me. I have a lot of different options. This could happen. I could feel time where that could happen. But does it feel like a fall? Yes. So until you are at the pole. Yes, I would argue and then I wouldn't argue with anyone, but I would present this information. I'd like an opportunity for you to just get really clear in your heart space and feel into your. Yes. And it may be no, no, no, no, no until the moment. Then it's a yes. And then you are going to have your wall guidance behind you. Now, that is that's my little piece of advice on how to weigh, you know, our ego in these times against like what our highest consciousness is directing us towards.

    Lauren [00:12:45] I was and here's my truncated answer what I was taught when in doubt do nothing which is actually what you said. Let your heart let you really there in your heart spirit centered space. But for people who are just scared and running from fear, but they know, you know, and it's time, but they've just run from a place of fear for too long, what would you tell them here consciously?

    April [00:13:09] And I would propose an invitation to weigh what is north versus what is coming in from the collective and not yours to hold. So a lot of times we can think of here as a personal identification marker when it not, it's just a gauge and it's just a well, I mean, in the energy world, which is my vessel be it is a lower vibrating frequency. And though we are not made up of lower vibrating frequency, like when we go back to our soul level, that's not a fear conscious that they love consciousness about the five five dimensional and higher unity frequency where we are just boundless and love. We are eternal. We're not. We're actually all woven in together. We're separate. And so when we look at well, we look at by the frequency and how that fits in there, there's only love and then an absence of love. So if we're experiencing separation conscious, which could be also that you're right, I would propose to allow the fear feeling to sit with that, feel it. And then we have to feel to heal. So what do we do? We release that just like when we're holding on, like, imagine like a pencil in my hand and then just letting it go and it would fall to the floor and roll. And that's exactly what we do with the frequency we hold we were holding. And then once we recognize, hey, I have been holding on to this, oh, gee, you know what? I'm going to be super compassionate with myself and recognize that I, to have been holding. But now I take responsibility for that and let it go. And it is a conscious choice. It's not something that we have to be beholden to because as creator beings, we know that we're not playing that game. And it's happening to me right where it's happening for me because I created this in my consciousness.

    Lauren [00:15:03] So that brought up a couple of different questions. First, Ricky Martin, you explain what that is for anybody who isn't aware.

    April [00:15:10] Yeah, so Ricky and you can pronounce it in a bunch of different ways, but sometimes I pair it together. The two parts of the word, the ray, meaning universal and key, meaning energy and Reiki is all the universal energy channel. And so when we are receiving Reiki, we are receiving a clearing. So an energy cleanse and some people, you know, will call this like an orange when or a shocker cleanse or balancing. And it's one of the things that I work with during my own healing, but it's also something that I have been, you know, had a long time practice with. I have a couple different masses and lineages, but it's all just words, right? Because at the end of the day, like the energy speaks for itself and not the loving frequency and we get to tune into that. And any time that we meditate, any time it we're in a giving place with our energy, open place with our energy. And a lot of it will channel Reiki naturally. And you, you understand, like when we are working with a child or giving nurturing or loving to a partner or someone friend, you know? We are working intimately with that person and passing energy to them. And we are when we are working with Reiki, we're doing the same thing, but we are channelling that energy. So with an attunement, we actually have a lot of our spinal channels and our channels open up so that we can support that energy transmission because you're giving Reiki and you're not doing what they were trained or anything. We're just giving, giving, giving. What happens? We get pretty depleted because we are giving, giving, giving. And so I know for my women in we, you know, and all of my sisters and we just give a lot and. That has been the program is just to give until we're depleted. But this is the old paradigm, as we know, because we are we're no longer giving, giving, giving. We're not giving tree. We are channeling and allowing others to. We're serving others, but we're not depleting ourselves, which is really important. And I think that's pretty much the most important thing to remember about Reiki. But a lot of people that I've given it to or and friends also describe it as a loving energy, which is it feels a little like electricity, It feels like a little like buzz body buzz. It feels like a massage for your soul. And it's really gentle. You can literally any age, right? I've worked on actually my youngest, if you consider like in utero. Young, And it is safe for pregnant pregnancies. So I've worked on babies. I've worked on, you know, 98, 90 and up elders and bless them because they're like, so open to trying something like that and everybody in between. So it's really like safe and gentle as compared to being like body work that we can experience, which I love body work and love all kind of energy healing. And it's really important to, to find a practitioner that you read with and that feels then energetically to you because if somebody says, you know, well, maybe they come with a lot of credentials, but you're just like, I don't know about their energy. I'm not really vibing with that frequency. It's a feel good to me that that will affect the session. So it is important to pick someone and go with a healer or with the healing vibration that you're feeling. That frequency for.

    Lauren [00:18:48] Sure. Okay, this is bring up a question. If my daughter is in college and somebody that she knows at college who've gone through a hard time, did some Reiki last week and she wanted me to be sure to ask you, she did a Reiki session and the person told her, Oh yeah, you should go back with him and this and that and this guy who cheated on her. Anyway, I said, Where did you find the Reiki healer or where she found that she found the healer on TikTok? I didn't know you could find healers.

    April [00:19:19] TikTok Flash. I didn't. I didn't know TikTok, though. The thing like, okay, a platform that people are using for business. But I and actually I have not. I haven't even logged on to that, but occasionally I'll see it through other channels. And I thought such an interesting time we're in right now.

    Lauren [00:19:39] It really is. And it was a lot of money. You know, college students don't have a lot of money. So would you have something? Any words of advice for my daughter's friend?

    April [00:19:51] Oh, sweetie. I would say to her, tune into your discernment and no healer should ever you know, I think it's actually almost like bad manners to even if you have like a psychic energy that you're tuning into to inform someone what they need or do not need to do. But if I were her, I would sit with the highest excitement and highest timeline for yourself and tune into your own discernment. Because at the end of the day, it's such an intimate relationship between two people that only you can be the one that needs to decide. Like, Well, am I ready to go? You know, come back in a more harmonious way, especially when it comes to exes. We do have a and we speak at the time of this recording. We have a retrograde ending or I would say for her friend that next week she will have more clarity on the situation because we are shifting through a lot of timelines right now and because it sounds like that person, that healer she had gone to came through with some advice on a very specific timeline. Just keep in mind that there are infinite number probabilities existing right now in the timeline that surrounds her, and she needs to pick the one that will provide her with the most highest frequency of love for herself. And that may not mean seeking love outside herself. So, it may not mean go and get back together with this person, especially if it was an abusive relationship. I don't know if that's enough time to change that. Not something that people just do overnight. Retrograde is actually provide a window for people to look at the word retrograde. We're circling back. It looks like things are resurfacing. This is when exes recycle themselves. And so, this is not a time to be thinking about getting back together with your ex, in my opinion, or even putting that on the table. However, if she is really still set on this, tell her to sleep on it for a week and feel into it after some of these timelines have shifted because she's going to get a better picture and I bet you she'll wake up and have a lot more clarity on what actions she needs. Okay.

    Lauren [00:22:01] Thank you.

    April [00:22:03] You bet.

    Lauren [00:22:04] Now we'll go to negative people. What do you do when you encounter people saying you're moving to Maui? Why would you do that? You have all this built up here or you're leaving marketing and all of this that you're doing in It's such a great company. And you're going to do what? Be a healer. What, are you, crazy? And when you encounter people like that.

    April [00:22:27] Well, I'm telling them that's opening it in a unique experience. I'm an experience and it means I'm a little more satiric than the rest. So I actually have no problem going outside the line. And so when I approach negative, it's new. And I know a lot of the times we can't get away from it. Sometimes we can do things within the family, right? And what I get question a lot around is how to protect our energy around negativity if it's unavoidable, which is really the deeper stuff. Because when we know, when we have friends that are not in our vibration or that we feel drained after that, we're in contact with them, that that might need to be a relationship that we give less energy to and focus on, be more positive energy. So you better believe I won't be making dinner for them and I still can love them from afar and draw that healthy boundary. Now, when there is negativity that you cannot avoid that in your home, be okay. Let's just stay home with everybody. That's thing during that process and be you know whenever that is April 2020 there is a large Wow summit that held people accountable and honesty and there were a lot of tension. And what I will say is that the more you work on your personal energy, the higher frequencies you carry, the higher frequencies that you carry, the more this creates a ripple effect in your field. So by healing yourself and by doing your inner work, you're actually healing people around you. Now, this is not going to be an overnight thing where you can go to a healing session and the mother-in-law is like in love with you. Okay. Again, like, I don't know what kind of dynamic that was going on with that mother, but whatever you guys get, my mindset, the thing is, is that this is something that you emulated that's co-creating and cultivating over it, right? And we can learn to be really strong in our root chakra, which is our chakra for boundaries, personal boundaries, to make sure to cut those energetic cords when we go to sleep, we also do our energy cleansing. So I have a practice where, especially when I had my office in L.A., which was like my favorite part. It's like cleansing people and they come in the office. So just staging or you can do a little Palo Santo or spray. Additionally, we all got the little lamps. Now I have friends and healers and shamans that will say, Well, that's pretty superficial, that stuff. That's like just getting your aura. Well, yeah. And it's holding an intentional space for you to be able to lower your energy, because if we unconsciously, like, think about energy hygiene, okay? If we never washed our hand, that wouldn't be good for business right now, especially not this year. So what we do is we're consciously always cleansing. And the same thing with your energy. You had energy work done, what, the ten years ago, Really? You know, at that great. I'm clean. Good. Or if we went to the gym once and I mean, I don't even I as I speak, I don't even, like, go to the gym. I just go running. But let's say you went running once in your life and then you were like, Well, that's it. I should be in. But in the really work that way, we where we're in a different place and that we need to be consistent. And that consistency in our practice is really the thing that's making the difference. So I really appreciate that question and I want to present that there are a number of different ways that you can approach it and continuously separating those energies in your mind, like leaving someone in their truth while you're standing in your truth and keeping mind boundaries up. So when someone wants to siphon your energy and you can say, you know, I'm I really want to hear what you're saying right now, but I'm not available for that at the time and we should circle back later. So that's.

    Lauren [00:26:37] Good. I really like that. Right now is good. We've been. Excellent. I actually went to a place once. They taught me years ago how to clean my own chakras and all of this and gave me a book from, you know, a healer in South America. And I read it was. It's also great. I'm sure your new book about chakras, where you have 12 chakras, is that do they do that right?

    April [00:27:03] Did you. Yeah. And so it, it, it's actually it's a 10% on chakra system that we're talking about in the new book. So I do go over all the traditional chakra systems. There's actually in my research I found it's a very well researched book. I spent many months researching this book, but in it had several editors researching with me. So I had a whole team and what we did was really uncovered a lot of the quick, like ancient myths street cool stuff, right? I'm all about all the chakra systems in all the parts of the world and what I have found resonant in my practice and what I've developed through my own work is working with the 12-chakra system, which in chakras that exists outside your body and then corporal chakras, which we would consider them correlating with direct organs or glands or functions in your body. So corporal, meaning my heart chakra is corresponding to my respiratory system, my heart, my lungs and parts of your thymus. Here there are different gland like with that and all sorts of different energies that are corporal related. And then when we have outside the body, we have our our shepherd that exists above our round bathe and that and right below your feet, which starts at the Earth star chakra. So if people are familiar with well there was a book in the nineties by Katrina Raphael I think it, it's called the Crystalline frequency or Crystalline Matrix. Well, I don't quote me on that one, but you can look it up. She's beautiful author. She talks about a wild chakra system that had some similarities. But what I found over the years is that there's not a lot of information on the other transpersonal. Exactly. It's just not,even across all the Vedic text and Sanskrit. And if you look at the all of the Buddhist literature in the temple scroll, like there's just not a lot. So this is developed through personal practice and a lot of years of chakra work. It is an elevated system and it also talks a little bit about humanity's ascension process, which is our consciousness that we're going through right now.

    Lauren [00:29:20] Oh, that's so great. What is the most common question that you're asked about?

    April [00:29:26] I get a lot of clients coming in with very specific need, and it's ultimately tied back to how they can heal and in what's the most effective way to cure through our issues. And a lot of times by the time people find me, okay, they have been through the medical circuit, they've been to the doctor, maybe they're doing IVF, maybe they're you know, maybe they're working with a chronic illness, you know, And so a lot of times they do not get the diagnosis right. Sometimes the doctors and I will say I have a lot of respect for the medical system, have many friends in medical, and sometimes they get it right. And other times they have like little gaps that look like mystery boxes that they'll say, well, we did all the tests on you and your test came back normal. So nothing's wrong with you. But what happens with that is that we know that something is wrong. And so what do we do now? And that's who comes to me. That's that good. That's the guy that, like, that's the ultimate playground that I'm playing in is like, okay, we need to solve things from an energy level. So a lot of times the question is really I feel like the underlying question. What do I need to heal? Why did this happen to me? We can get through a lot. We can get through what? What's been corresponding, What's been going on physically in the body. And we can link that up energetically to like, Well, how did this happen? A lot of times it's an inner revelation that happened and I'm just a guide, right? I'm I'm there to facilitate and I receive messages. I talk to your guides. I asked them what's in your high feeling? And it's your self that comes through in a more profound way, in a more present way that allows you to be your own healer. So really, I'm holding speed through that while you and your higher self are working out a lot of things. And in reality it looks like the right, like I'm doing the healing, except that it's all the birth consciousness that's actually flowing and I'm a facilitator for that. So I allow that as a channel to be the mediator for you to come into that actualization. And so the question for, you know, how, how will my how, how am I feeling? How much that the feel that usually we get to that answer within a session or two, sometimes it takes a little longer to get the more deeply rooted thing and the honor of my lifetime to be able to get to servant way, to be able to unveil that for people. And I have seen Miracle. I mean, I believe in miracles like I am a champion for every article I go, I know you are.

    Lauren [00:32:19] Absolutely. I mean, when we're open to see they're everywhere, I just firmly believe that. What would you say to somebody who's having a hard time just getting out of bed in the morning? Just what would you tell someone? Not I don't mean clinically depressed, but just having a tough time.

    April [00:32:36] I would say that there is a deeper reason why your soul is creating this experience for you. And until, like this is the lesson of life right into it, the lesson repeats are needed. So until we are able to commit to that reasoning on our own, we can have someone tell us all day. But if we until we recognize that within for ourselves, we are not in a place of actualization. And so that lesson is I say, even if someone says, hey, you're depressed because this there, why don't you fix it with this, this, that? I mean, that's a solution. But what you really want to be asking yourself is why did my conscious create that experience for myself? And once we can realize that, like I'll give you an example, when we are finding ourselves attracted to this same kind of person after we got out of a bad relationship, does this sound familiar to anyone that we're with? Oh my gosh, my ex used to do the same thing and behave in the same way. How could this be that I found another person to reflect this part of my experience? Wow. I would call that having a hard time. And I would ask, why did I create this? Well, it might need to be that I need to heal my abandonment wounds on my own, or I can take on a partner. It might need to mean that I am undergoing some massive personal development that is opening my eyes. It might be breaking a cycle for myself. I might need to show myself like, Hey, I'm worthy, I don't need any of this. But next, check me. So I. I know that it can be hard and I don't want to rob anyone from that experience of self realization of like, Hey, that was really challenging. That was the challenge of my life. And I got through it and I did that on my own and I broke that cycle for myself and I don't have to replay it. Again. Not in this lifetime. Not in another lifetime. Complete?

    Lauren [00:34:57] Definitely. Do you have any things that you do on a regular basis that help you maintain or keep a positive mindset? Do you meditate every day? Do you run every day? What do you do?

    April [00:35:10] Well, I would love I actually one of my intention to learn you hit the nail on the head is to move my body more every day because our body temple, they're loving us right now to pay attention to them. And as much as I like to say that I do run every day, it hasn't been every day, but I move as often as I can. I, of course, as a meditation instructor with that background, like how do I tell you about my meditation practice has been a key for me because it's no joke when you miss that internal landscape and you're not ending time in quiet or solitude that the chaos can overrun you. And when we don't have that internal space wondering, we can't even recognize when we need the internal space because it's not there. And of course we can't recognize that as a nurture and of any nurturing being. We need to be recharged. Wow. And so just taking that recharge time for yourself is super important. So that is an intentional role and it's something that's like good practice to take that spaciousness for yourself. And especially like the meditating every day I get people who say like, Oh, well, we don't really have time for that. That's not going to work in my schedule. And that's adorable. And I also feel like it's something that it felt to me, what you get, what you put in to it. So you're not committing to honoring your body temple with nutritious foods and rest movement and virtual. You know, you're you're not you might be missing one of the categories, but it's never too late to jump back in. The good news is you have a new chance every single day. If you can spend 5 minutes like I'm on my mommy plane, like lock themselves in the bathroom for 5 minutes and just have their, like, quiet time doing their makeup or what, brushing their teeth or whatever. And I think that that's an important thing to work in is just getting a little bit of patience.

    Lauren [00:37:08] Oh, it's so true. I mean, I have five-minute energy clearing meditation out an app. I mean, there's so many. There's three-minute ones. Like, there's. There's plenty. So do you have any message of hope for anyone listening that you would want to give that you weren't able that we didn't hit that?

    April [00:37:28] What's coming through for me in this moment as I tune in, because of course, in my heart, I could think of I should call list of 222 things to give you. But what's coming through is like really present for this call, which no matter when it airs, is going to be really important for everyone to hear is that you are a sovereign creator being and that everything is temporary. So remember that you create with every everything in your name from your thoughts to your word to how you know how we behave. It all translates into this cohesion of what we see in form. And so be mindful with what you're creating. Recognize that the distortion is temporary and that things are not what they seem right now. I know that's going to be important for someone to hear today, no matter what time. When you're tuning into this on replays or not, everything is changing. It is not possible for us to hold on to it all. And so tune into your song and so tune into your Creator being your I Am present. That's what we call it. And allow that portion of you to speak up for yourself. You are the light that we have been waiting for. You are an important piece of the puzzle and your medicine is needed, so you are not giving that medicine into the world. And even no matter how small you think that job is, even if it is quite literally serving someone food, quite literally, like calling a grant back to cure them because they're going through something. You are doing a service by being present and showing up, and so please do your service in and telling them in light, do your service with a happy heart and remember that all the distortion is changing and melting away. We're in for a beautiful rest of the mid-decade. As soon as we get over a few hugs and it's already written and so it is going to be happening. We just need to stay positive through it. And remember the temporary nature of all that is.

    Lauren [00:39:50] Oh, that's a wonderful place to end that. And that is full of hope. So, April, thank you so much for being a guest today on 52 Weeks of Hope. We look forward to seeing you in Maui. And I will put a link for your new book and for you on the website.

    April [00:40:07] Thank you so much, friend. And thank you, everyone for tuning in with us. It was a real pleasure to be here and I can just already feel the energies that have been receiving the codes from this podcast and just from my heart to yours directly that mingled in waves and feeling light. I love you. Thank you.

    Lauren [00:40:25] Yeah, I love you too.

    [00:40:28] I hope you enjoyed this week's episode and take with you April's messages of expansion, balance and purpose, such fulfilling messages to take into your week ahead. Also, I'll put a link to April's virtual courses and classes. If you're interested in seeing more of what she has to offer. That'll all be in the show notes on the website at 15 weeks of While you're on the website there are links to rate and review the podcast or you could do that from wherever you're listening. It all helps and it's very appreciated. Thank you for helping get the word out about the podcast and helping more women feel less alone in the overwhelm and to remember the pause. Answers emerge in the pause, and instead of adding to your to-do list, how about up to don't list until next week? I'm Lauren Abrams. Thanks for listening.


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