Unlock the Greatness Within You

Dr. JC Dragon Doornick

Just as light cannot exist without darkness, success cannot exist without struggle. Lauren welcomes Dr. JC “Dragon” Doornick to explain how he turned his own low moments in life into lessons of gratitude, compassion, and empathy. Dragon shares his powerful transformation story and how we all have the choice to rewire our brain and unlock the greatness within us to experience life with more hope, kindness and love!    

In this podcast episode, Lauren and Dragon discuss: 

  • The story behind the name, “Dragon” and introducing yourself in affirmation

  • Overcoming a fear of public speaking

  • Being the author, director, lead role in the story of your life 

  • Realizing the obstacle is the way to all you desire in life (once we get through!)

  • What led Dragon from chiropractic work to emotional rearrangement 

  • Making a difference by paying it forward

  • Starting your day with thank you and compassionate curiosity 

  • Dragon’s transformation story and love story with “Chicken” 

  • Creating a response system of empathy and pausing 

  • Asking Where am I at right now? vs. Why am I here?

  • Choosing to be kind vs. being right 

  • Embracing the suck and realizing it’s part of the recipe for success 

Memorable Quotes: 

  • “So case in point, a lot of this stuff that I do, it gets easier, never easy. It gets easier. I'm constantly putting myself into the position of the unknown. I'm constantly pushing and to anybody out there that suffers, they know what I'm talking about. And it's just a choice. You have to make a choice.”

  • “I think that the way that we make a difference authentically is when somebody or something has made a difference in your life and you pay that forward and help somebody else with that. I believe that's what our calling is, is to take the things that have helped us and help other people pass it on, pay it forward to others.”

  • “I've learned this along the way, and this is what I teach other people to do on a big, big scale is this concept of the obstacle is the way. You know, one of the only ways that you actually can prove that the universe is aware that you're contending for something that you're going after something is if it is challenging the hell out of you.”

  • “Everybody's trying to be right. I chose to be kind versus right, and that's an open space. So I love naysayers, you know, without naysayers, then what would the other side look like? Without darkness, light wouldn't exist.”


About Dr. JC “Dragon” Doornick:

Dr. JC Doornick, also known as Dragon, is a health and transformational success coach. Dragon's an author, an entrepreneur, a motivator, a podcaster. He wears a lot of hats but at the end of the day, these days, he's first and foremost, a family man who believes in the power of organization, morning routines, and a strong sense of self.

Connect with Dragon 

JC “Dragon” Facebook

Links Mentioned:

RISE UP with Dragon Podcast

Listen to the episode here:



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