Become a Warrior

Rebecca Whitman

Are you seeking to experience more power, freedom and balance in your life? Author, actress and podcaster Rebecca Whitman joins Lauren and shares how she climbed to a place of power after her own terrible divorce caused her to dive into past relationships, recognize her patterns and get honest with herself. Rebecca breaks down the keys to practice self-love no matter what you’re going through and how to honor resilience in order to achieve your awesomeness! 

In this podcast episode, Lauren and Rebecca discuss: 

  • The positive message behind Rebecca’s past bad relationships  

  • What happens when you try to paint red flags pink

  • Choosing to be surrounded by high-vibe positive people

  • Rebecca’s 7 Pillars of Attraction and focus on changing patterns 

  • Elegant warriors and how community builds immunity  

  • Finding balance by checking alignment in 7 “Spokes of Life”

  • Rebecca’s morning routine of tuning into gratitude, surrender, and intention

  • How Rebecca survived a difficult divorce

  • Finding joy in your day and letting go of the past and the future 

  • Bouncing back after hitting bottom and learning from rejection 

  • Remembering done is better than perfect

  • Details about the Magnetize Love Retreat

Memorable Quotes: 

  • “I write a journal that I divide into 3 sections. I write a gratitude portion, what I’m grateful for, what I surrender and how I want to be that day, because I believe that we’re human beings, not human doings, and that we create from our beingness, not our doingness.”

  • “If you have your health, you have everything. Health is wealth. You could have all the money in the world and if you’re tied up to an IV, what are you going to do with all that money? If you have your health, you have the world at your feet and you can create anything. Being alive and being healthy is where I start my gratitude list.” 

  • “Find the joy in your day. Just do your day. Don’t worry about the future. Don’t worry about the past. They’re both fictional. Do your day and find something in the day, no matter what you’re going through. Find the joy in the day because all we have is the day.” 


About Rebecca Whitman:

A graduate of Princeton, Rebecca is the host of the Balanced Beautiful Abundant podcast. She now uses her 7 Pillars of Success to get you to be the “Elegant Warrior” you want to be. 

Connect with Rebecca:

Rebecca Whitman

Rebecca’s Instagram

Quiz: Find Out Where You Are Out of Balance


Links Mentioned:

Magnetize Love Retreat

Balanced, Beautiful, Abundant Podcast

Elegant Warrior Training

How to Make a Six-Figure Income Working Part-Time

Listen to the episode here:


Unlock the Greatness Within You


How to Create Your Future Self Now