How to Create Your Future Self Now

LaQuita Monley

If you want to change the direction of your life, you must recognize the gifts and tools you already possess. LaQuita talks with Lauren about overcoming hardships like teen pregnancy, living abroad as a military wife,depression, and staying true to herself as an individual - instead of all the labels society sticks on us. She shares why she’s a true believer in having a supportive inner circle and how to create the life you want simply by allowing yourself to say it, see it, believe it! 

In this podcast episode, Lauren and LaQuita discuss: 

  • LaQuita’s bumpy road to the ministry   

  • Journaling, prayer, and words of affirmation - how all of these together help get her through (that and her girlfriends!)

  • The value of realizing you’re greater than your situation

  • What led LaQuita to coaching and her experiences as a military wife

  • Reevaluating your inner circle and knowing who should be in that inner circle. How to determine

  • Understanding your value system

  • Prayer, elbow grease and LaQuita’s experiences in Kenya

  • Adapting to the pandemic 

  • Not allowing a system to define your worth

  • Power of meditation and visualization: seeing an apple vs. seeing an orchard when an apple seed is planted 

  • Switching from parent to influencer

  • Overcoming depression as a black woman

  • Supporting women as they find their value and embrace their power 

Memorable Quotes: 

  • “Every purpose, every plan, every gift, it was always in there. I needed to be in a place of clarity to activate those gifts...And so for me to motivate and to inspire people and to help people move into their destiny, comes from words of wisdom, words of affirmation.”

  • “You are greater than your situation. You are still here. You're standing. It didn't destroy you. Yes, the situation was harmful, you took some bumps, you took some bruises, but you're still standing.” 

  • “Those people who bring the most value to my life mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and yes, even financially, those are the people who should have access to me. And that's a reciprocal relationship. It's not one-sided. I have to bring value to them. They have to bring value to me and all of us can't fit in that circle.” 

  • “...but what we should see through the power of meditation, from the seed to the tree, to the apples, to the orchard, the power of my meditation, and when I open myself up and allow myself to see and realize in my mind, I can then produce it in my real life. But if I can't visualize it, it's not gonna happen.”


About LaQuita Monley:

LaQuita Monley wears many hats. In addition to being a devoted wife,mother of 5, and grandmother of 5, she also operates in purpose and expertise as a savvy real estate investor, business coach, mentor, and international speaker. From the United Kingdom to Kenya, Germany, and back to the United States, LaQuita’s mantle is to charge others with the task of progressing into the best version of themselves. Her life’s mission is to guide, motivate, and equip individuals, small businesses, and corporations to soar to greater heights.


Connect with LaQuita 

LaQuita Monley

LaQuita’s Instagram

LaQuita’s Facebook

Listen to the episode here:


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