Retrain Your Brain for Success

Jen Poulson

Are you sick and tired of obstacles preventing you from truly reaching your goals? That pinnacle you know you’re destined for? You may not even be aware you're unconsciously sabotaging your success and happiness. Jen Poulson shares how to release your subconscious beliefs, programming, and fear by building a stronger connection to your intuition. Listen and learn different tools to help retrain your brain to achieve the success you want and deserve today! 

In this podcast episode, Lauren and Jen discuss: 

  • How Jen’s energy healing gets to the root of limiting beliefs to help release these old beliefs 

  • Why Jen believes you should take time to be still every day and tune in through journaling

  • Placing your hand on your heart to activate oxytocin in the brain to calm your fight/flight/freeze response

  • The power of moving your body and breath work

  • Advice for increasing connection to your intuition

  • A reminder to follow your intuition and to forgive yourself when you don’t 

  • Jen’s practice of turning affirmations into questions for guidance

  • Finding your people and letting go of those not meant for you

  • Suggestion to check your vitamin D levels and to use high quality essential oils

  • How Jen overcame the death of her younger sister and what she learned about grief

  • Letting others hold space for you and being in community  

Memorable Quotes: 

  • “Our intention is super powerful. A lot of times though because we are in the story, we don’t see it. I always have a coach because I still don’t see my own stuff. That’s the power of coaching. It takes the pressure off you to see what’s really difficult to see.” 

  • “I’m a firm believer that emotions get stuck in our bodies and we need body work.” 

  • “I really value looking at the whole thing: the physical body affects the emotional body, affects the spiritual body...when you can get all of them balanced and get them in a healing state—you just take off. You come into yourself. You have to have all the pieces.”  


About Jen Poulson:

Jen Poulson is a Success Mindset Coach who believes everyone deserves the kind of support that inspires real healing and empowers you to always be reaching higher levels of happiness, peace and success. You don't have to walk your healing path alone and Jen knows how to walk with you so you can create the real change you want in your life! 

Connect with Jen:  

Jen Poulson Coaching

Jen’s Instagram

Jen’s YouTube Channel


Links Mentioned:

Journey with Jen Poulson Podcast

Year of Miracles 

Listen to the episode here:


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