How to Listen Better (and Improve Your Relationships!)

Jeremy Nicks

Fear is a natural response but doesn’t have to control how we adapt to life’s challenges. Former hostage negotiator Jeremy Nicks joins Lauren to share why putting the spotlight on others is crucial in all your relationships and why open and honest communication requires much more than just a conversation. Jeremy breaks down how curiosity creates more connection so you can keep moving forward and experience success regardless of your current circumstances! 

In this podcast episode, Lauren and Jeremy discuss: 

  • How crisis negotiation skills transfer to wellness, business, and relationships  

  • Understanding what it means to have it all and have it all ripped away

  • The power of getting curious and finding the emotion under the emotion

  • Why communication is just as much about listening as it is speaking 

  • Turning the spotlight on others with an attitude of gratitude 

  • Listening with curiosity and an intent to understand vs. listening to respond

  • Bridging the gap between current reality and desired outcomes 

  • Making others the heroes and creating connection with skillful active listening  

  • Believing your future potential is not determined by your current abilities  

  Memorable Quotes: 

  • “If I find myself being angry or frustrated, what's the underlying emotion that's even below that? Take the moment to pause. Take the moment to accept the feeling, not be judgmental of the feeling, but accept it. Give myself grace because so often we're so hard on ourselves when we feel—especially negative feelings.”

  • “I had muscled through everything and you can't muscle through everything in life. You just have to sometimes accept that life deals crappy hands at times.”

  • “I really wanna encourage anyone who finds themselves in that frustrated moment, as hard as it can be,to stop for a moment and turn the spotlight on someone else...turn the spotlight to see them as the star of the moment, to see them as the hero for just a moment. If you can do that...rather than you wanting them to see you, you see them.” 

  •  “Your future potential is not limited by your current abilities. It's just a starting’re never too old to make a shift, ever.” 

About Jeremy Nicks :

Jeremy Nicks is a former hostage negotiator who took a huge leap of faith and gave up his regular paycheck to embark on a dream career as a success and wellness coach. Jeremy’s mission is to turn the spotlight on others so they become the hero in their own story!



Connect with Jeremy:

Jeremy Nicks 

Jeremy’s Instagram



Links Mentioned:

Simon Sinek: Find Your Why

John Maxwell

Mark Batterson

Listen to the episode here:


How To Shine Your Inner Light


Finding Wisdom in Each Moment